Blogger "Face Off" Round 1.
I had GREAT response to my Blogger Face Off idea, so thanks so much willing volunteers!
There were more of you than I thought, so I'm pairing everyone up randomly for a new round of Blogger Face Off every couple of days. Stay tuned to read everyone's responses, and meet some great bloggers!
Also? This may be called Blogger Face Off, but a. it's not as bad as that Nicholas Cage/John Travolta film and b. it's totally not a competition. Cuz if it was, I automatically win. But really, it's more a comparison of funny, witty bloggers than an actual "face off" so maybe I should have come up with a better name for it.
I'm such an idiot.
For round one, I've paired up myself with Marianna Annadanna from Snappy Surprise. She rocks my American socks.

Hope you've enjoyed our answers! Come back soon for round 2, featuring two different, awesome bloggers!
There were more of you than I thought, so I'm pairing everyone up randomly for a new round of Blogger Face Off every couple of days. Stay tuned to read everyone's responses, and meet some great bloggers!
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I'm such an idiot.
For round one, I've paired up myself with Marianna Annadanna from Snappy Surprise. She rocks my American socks.

Questions | Blogger A | Blogger B |
Sarcasm in Action from Musings of a Sarcastic Mind THIS blog. Me. | Marianna Annadanna from | |
Name? (real or assumed) | Sarcasm in Action. (the artist formerly known as Steph. Aka “mommy,” “wife”, “nag”, and “what the hell are you talking about?”) | Marianna Annadanna, based on Roseanne Roseannadanna. If you don’t know who that is, get with it. |
How did you come up with your blog’s name? | I love sarcasm. I’m random. Clearly I’m not good at titles. I’d rename it if I could do it all over again. | I heard Roseanne Roseannadanna say it in a college graduation speech. Yeah, you heard me. Also, I’m snappy. (Aka obnoxious.) Although if you know me, my snappiness is not really a surprise. |
How long have you been blogging? | Since November 2010, so a little over 6 months. | Um, do high school diaries count? No? Well, then, just over a year a I guess. |
Link to your very first post: | PLEASE tell me everyone’s first post sucks……. | I’d really rather not share this. I was an asshole in my This is a much betterearly post |
Do you have a motto? If so, what is it? | Suck it. And lately, “honey badger don’t care.” | I should come up with something witty here. That’s my motto. |
Team Edward or Jacob? | Edward. All. The. Effin. Way. Although? I can totally be Team Jacob every now and then, IF he had a bag over his head and didn’t say a word. | EDWARD! But not Robert Pattinson. He’s a dick pickle. Edward. From the books. He smiles in the books, and he laughs, and he teases that stupid bitch Bella. |
Corey Haim or Cory Feldman? | Haim. All. The. Effin. Way. LOVED him so much! 1980s Corey Haim, of course. | I’m sorry. I’ve heard of these guys, but I don’t really know who they are. I might be too young? Or just too much of a dork during childhood to know anything about pop culture. I’m guessing it’s the latter. |
How much do you love Captain Crunch? | With a fiery burning passion best reserved for R rated films and nude beaches. Where’s my cereal bowl? | Not very much. Sorry. I eat old people cereal. Although I like Fruit Loops and anything with marshmallows. Not real marshmallows – those little dried fake ones. Do they sell those in their own separate package?? OMG I HAVE TO MARKET THAT. |
Would you rather compete in a hot dog eating contest or a pie eating contest? | For sure pie. But not naughty “pie.” I know how your minds work, guys. Banana cream pie. Or dutch apple. Warm with ice cream. Why did I do this question. Now I want pie. GIVE ME SOME PIE BITCHES. | PIE. ALWAYS PIE. But not that fucking rhubarb pie. That shit is illegal in Canada. For good reason. And if you have cake, I would be happier. Also, I’m glad you didn’t write “wiener eating contest” ‘cause that’d be weird. |
Favorite swear word: | *Shit* seems to be my most frequent. A close second would be *asshole* | Dirty effing shit-fool monkey-fucker dick-pickle douche-canoe, ass-licking fart-sucking butt-munching fuck. |
How do you like your eggs? | Scrambled. And cage free. I don’t want to support the terrible practice of factory farms where poor chickens are crammed into a cage, all trapped and diseased and lonely. Wait. Now I’m not even hungry for eggs anymore. I still want pie though. | Dispelled from my body on a monthly basis until I want to use one for procreation. Or sunny-side-up. |
Who would you rather see do naked jumping jacks: Jack Nicholson or Aretha Franklin? | Aretha, hands down. Actually, can I answer both? I’m betting it’s like a train wreck. Who could look away? | Tough call! Jack Nicholson because I always take any opportunity to watch male parts bounce. |
What’s more evil: Possums or Satan? | OHMYGOD possums. EEKK! If you’ve been reading me for a while you totally know about my fear of possums. | Another tough call! What are you doing to me?! I want to say possums because they seem freaky, but we don’t have them in the Great White North, that I know of. But Satan doesn’t scare me. He’s just an insecure bossypants. Secret option number three? SKUNKS. Always been my greatest friggin fear, and they seem similar to a possum. So yeah. Skunks. |
Should jelly shoes make a real comeback? | Since feet on anyone above 3 years old are ugly, hell no. | No. I think they’re better as a fond memory and novelty. |
In your opinion, what is our most pressing concern as a society today? | There’s no female Viagra. What is up with that? | Aside from the zombie apocalypse? Cancer. Not just the disease itself, but the infectious way it stalks us and eats us away. And how it’s caused by everything in our environment. INCLUDING CELL PHONES. Idiots. OF COURSE CELL PHONES CAUSE CANCER. Has anyone checked microwaves lately? Or Coke? Cancer in a fucking can. C’mon guys. |
If avoiding laundry was a sport, how would you place: gold, silver, or bronze? | I’d be Olympic gold baby | I do hate laundry, but I’d say silver. I’m not as crazy as some people - I don’t have to buy new underwear because I ran out, but I do have to root through the hamper for previously-determined-dirty clothes to re-wear. |
If you were royalty, what would your official title be? | Countess of Obsessive Shopping. Or the Duchess of Etsy. Maybe Princess Nappy of Couch. Queen of Dirty Martini. | I wouldn’t need a title. I’d be so popular, people would just say “you know who” and everyone would know. |
Please write the first word(s) that comes to your mind for each of these: Sporks Erectile dysfunction Taco Bell Zombies Wine Dandruff Smurfs Miley Cyrus | Sporks: fried chicken Erectile dysfunction: limp Taco Bell: fake meat Zombies: BRAAIINNNNSSSS! Wine: YES PLEASE! Dandruff: The Breakfast Club (Ally Sheedy itch moment) Smurfs: *gnap* (remember when they bit each other and turned purple and hopped around going “gnap. Gnap, gnap, gnap”?) Miley: whorish | Sporks: American &silly, but good for Kraft Dinner Erectile dysfunction: Doesn’t Viagra cause blindness? Taco Bell: Remarkably repulsive. Zombies: Smelly and mean. Wine: Cheese. Dandruff: There are easy solutions, aren’t there? Why do people still have this? Smurfs: FLASHBACK Miley Cyrus” Omg even more annoying than her father. If that’s even possible. What did he sing? The Hanky Panky? The Hokey Pokey? Whatever. |
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being highest, how much do you love my blog? | Meh, it’s okay. Probably a 5. What a selfish friggin question. I’m so full of myself. I’m an asshole. | 10’s the highest? Why? Oh. ‘Cause it’s the highest. Ok. Well, then, 10! Or 10,347,558… maybe 59 on a good day. |
Any final words? | I wish I came up with better questions. Next time I’ll ask people to submit questions. Then this whole idea will turn out way better. I’m lame. Also, Jenny the Bloggess for President, 2012! | Rocketship. |